Tag "CRM"

ScorePredictor: the missing link between Fan Engagement and CRM?

We all love to get involved with our favourite teams when it comes to sport and guess how they will fare. ScorePredictor takes it one step further and is taking off with both fans and clubs.

Social CRM – the What and the Why (with a little bit of the How)

OK FC Barcelona, you’ve got 52 million likes. And congratulations Vancouver Canucks on your 1 million+ YouTube views and Arsenal, great going with your 3.4 million followers. But how many of these millions of “fans” do you actually know, how many of them are your customers?

Social CRM & Sport

Here is the article I wrote recently for FC Business magazine to coincide with my workshop at Goodform’s ‘Sports CRM Summit’ at Wembley Stadium. The event was a great one and I will be writing up more from that shortly together with some decks from other speakers. So here is my take on Social CRM….

Thoughts on Social CRM

Most businesses are familiar with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems and will be using them in one form or another to give them insights on their customers, their purchasing and contact preferences and helping them maintain the relationship